Cherry Corner Desk with Cabinet

This desk has several interesting characteristics. The front of the desk is technically a credenza shell. Credenza shells are typically between 20" and 24" deep - smaller than a traditional desk depth of 30", 36" and other sizes in between. A credenza also differs from a desk in that the modesty panel (front of the desk) is flush with the top edge of the desk. A desk will often times have an "overhang" on the side where potential customers will sit. This is caused by the modesty panel being recessed into the desk towards the middle instead of being flush with the edge. Our credenza shell here has a corner extension. When working in the corner of the desk, this allows for better ergonomics compared to a standard 90 degree angle. Sometimes a storage cabinet for a computer tower, books, or various other things can be more beneficial than a standard pedestal of drawers. That is what this customer opted for.